Why Does My Air Purifier Smell Bad?

Air purifiers have now become a must-have product in many homes, especially those which demand high air quality because it can purify indoor air, remove odours. It is very friendly to allergy sufferers, asthmatics, the elderly and children.

Air purifiers have now become a must-have product in many homes, especially those which demand high air quality because it can purify indoor air, remove odours. It is very friendly to allergy sufferers, asthmatics, the elderly and children.

But, some air purifiers are not only not good at removing odours, but also produce odours. Today we will discuss why does my air purifier smell bad?


What Are the Types of Air Purifiers


HEPA Filter Air Purifiers

HEPA air filters are the most common type of home air purifier, simple to operate and capable of filtering airborne impurities to release clean air. But it can't eliminate odour.

It mainly filters airborne particles larger than 0.3 microns, keeping airborne particles larger than 0.3 microns inside, effectively removing dust, pollen allergens and some bacterial viruses from the air.


Activated Carbon Filter Air Purifier

Activated carbon filter air purifier can not only eliminate formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful gases, but also eliminate the smell of kitchen grease. Adsorption type activated carbon, benzene, toluene, xylene, acetone, oil and gas, CS2 and other organic solvents harmful gases.

Air purification activated carbon are made of high-quality wood or coconut shells, with good abrasion strength, developed voids, high adsorption performance, high strength, easy to regenerate, economic and durable advantages. It can be classified into several types according to its shape, granular, columnar and honeycomb. The air purification efficiency is in the order of honeycomb > column > granular. Honeycomb activated carbon is characterised by its large comparative area, low pore resistance, well-developed micropores, high adsorption capacity and long service life. It is usually used more in household air purifiers.


Negative Ionisation Air Purifier

Negative ion air purifiers are usually used with HEPA filters, instead of using filters, they rely mainly on ionisation technology, which releases negatively charged molecules and atoms into the air to adsorb tiny particles, making them heavier so that they settle to the ground. This is why pollutants attach themselves to the floor, carpets, sofas and tables.


UV Air Purifier

UV germicidal technology is primarily used to kill airborne bacteria and viruses and works best when paired with a filtration system.

It essentially involves having lamps inside the air purifier that can produce ultraviolet light, which destroys bacteria and viruses by irradiating them and causing their genetic information to malfunction.


Possible Odour From Air Purifiers


When an air purifier produces an odour, you need to be aware that it could be caused by several things. And make the right solution.


Plastic Smell

When you smell a heavy plastic odour, you should consider, is it a plastic odour from a new machine, some air purifiers are made of plastic and it is normal for a new machine to smell like plastic when it first starts running.

If you have been using it for a while and it still smells like plastic, you need to turn off the machine first and take it to the nearest repair shop to check if it is the smell of melting plastic inside.


Mouldy Smell

When you use an air purifier for a long period of time in a very humid environment, it can cause the machine to emit an unpleasant mouldy smell. Air purifiers generally do not have a dehumidifying function. When humid air and pollutants are mixed into the air purifier, some of the moisture will be left on the filter, which not only affects the purification efficiency of the machine, but a long time of uncleaned filters will turn into the best place for mould production, emitting an unpleasant smell.

This situation requires a dehumidifier, or a 2-in-1 dehumidifier and purification product. Do not use an air purifier alone in a humid room.




Regular maintenance and cleaning of your air purifier can reduce the chances of odour emission, if the odour cannot be eliminated by cleaning and replacing the filter, then you need a professional to repair and replace it. CROSSBOW can provide brands with a variety of air purification solutions. Even dehumidification and purification solutions.

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